Are Economic Ideas a Sustainable Commons? A Study of the Exchange of 'Creative' Economics.pdf
"In this essay I claim that productive markets need not necessarily involve clearly definedand enforced property rights, upon which a price system can be used to allocate resources. I shall pursue this thought by an examination of the mechanisms that facilitate the exchange ofeconomic ideas, and link academic norms to the emerging theoretical justification for open source software, and “free culture”.The chain of logic will be that a relaxation of property law in the realm of culture would be efficient. I then offer evidence to suggest that journals are governed by the same “ethos andnorms of disclosure” (David, 2001) as the movement behind free culture."
Ethnic Enterprise Governance.pdf
"I will look at how the LCBA resembles a voluntary club, and how this in turnmight become an interest group. Critically, the Chairman of the LCBA is a businessman, and might be seen as a “city manager” whose encompassing interest in the health of Chinatowngives him an incentive to provide positive externalities for the entire community. Alternatively, the lobbying for central funds could be portrayed as rent seeking, where the Chinesecommunity is merely an efficient special interest group."
A Nomos Model of Social Change. How belief systems affect institutions and vice-versa.pdf
"FA Hayek stressed the distinction between law, (Nomos) and legislation, (thesis). It is my contention that mostinstitutional analysis, especially in the domain of development, concentrates on change that is caused by legislation. Here, I try to balance the debate by speculating on an approach thatincorporates natural law, customs, traditions, and belief systems – a Nomos theory of social change. Since past attempts to explore the field of culture have suffered due to their inabilityto convert interesting, intuitive supposition into a robust model, I will try to create a means to categorize and compare different belief systems, and suggest how these will evolve intoinstitutions. This model will be intuitive, useful, and tractable."
Thanks to all on the Filter^ who've contributed to the production process of these essays, and my research page offers more context and content.
NOMOS is one of my favourite watchmakers! Their website:
Posted by: SL | December 19, 2004 at 09:17 PM