Here's something that doesn't happen every day: purely by chance, I happened to stumble across a recent city diary piece from The Times in which my father's face is described as being "firmly attached"!
DON EVANS, chief executive of Advanced Medical Solutions, is a believer in his company’s products. He had a facial operation the other day and insisted the hospital did not stitch the wound but instead used LiquiBand Surgical, which glues the affected bits together. Yesterday he met the City analysts for the company’s results. “His face is firmly attached,” reports one observer.
Better than "His faeces firmly attached"?
Posted by: dearieme | May 12, 2005 at 03:23 PM
Or indeed, it being an attachment. Did he have the surgery like in Face-off? Are you sure it is your dad still?
Posted by: RP | May 13, 2005 at 01:11 PM