14th-19th August 2005
The Filter^ is delighted to announce that we have joined forces with the Liverpool Schola Cantorum (LSC), and will act as official media partner during their forthcoming trip to Riga.
The LSC is a chamber choir founded by Musical Director Andrew Mellor, a regular contributor to The Filter^ REVIEW.
His efforts with the LSC are a testament to entrepreneurial vision, passionate determination, and a desire to redefine the boundaries of the arts: the singers are all young people from a variety of backgrounds, and are a grass roots organization. They are a perfect arts movement: rich in ability and delivery yet unpretentious and far reaching. The LSC provide an eclectic blend by reinvigorating classical works as well as championing contemporary unknown composers.
The Filter^ is a similarly organic example of volunteerism, and will look creatively to how best we can assist the LSC’s various ambitions, and to ensure that their tour is a success.
Riga 2005 Blog Throughout the tour Andrew will be joined by other LSC members to write regular updates here on The Filter^, within the “Riga 2005” category. We can expect details of their program and reception, cultural tales and anecdotes.
Tour CD The LSC are accepting pre-orders of the tour CD. The Filter^ will offer free samples of their output via MP3 files, but for the tidy sum of £5 you can order a definitive collection of their exploits. All sales will provide a real and appreciated impact on their travels, and here’s the email address for orders.
You can use the button on the top right to get the direct LSC information so stay tuned and enjoy.
Andrew Mellor and Anthony Evans, discussing the LSC and The Filter^
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Posted by: Juris | February 14, 2006 at 06:47 PM
i agree
Posted by: martco | September 02, 2006 at 09:12 AM