Great day today. Waking up in a sun-drenched Riga for the first time is a delight - the city is clean, prosperous, uninfested by tourists, and a dream for performers (the beer's quite cheap too). More Paris that St Petersburg - you're more likely to be confronted by a keen restauranter than a woman selling illegal cigaretes and potatoes (are potatoes still illegal in ex-soviet states?).
Today's rehearsals in The English Church very exciting - we're achieving something musically which is in a completely different league that we've ever managed before. Tackling 7-part Tallis motets and getting real results. We perform in public for the first time tomorrow, and I can honestly say that whoever hears us is in for a treat - we've got some very talented people here and there should be some electric performances. A few spine-shivering moments even in private rehearsal today. We finished rehearsing at 5pm and have been enjoying the nightlife ever since - so apologies for any spilling mastakes. More on Wednesday.
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