To: blearsh[at]
From: anthonyjevans[at]
Dear Mrs Blears,
Having watched your performance on last nights Question Time I feel forced to write to you. I am used to your blind support for Tony Blair, but watched with incredulity as you even tried to defend John Prescott. I've never seen a politician so universally hounded as the entire audience joined Hesseltine, Campbell and Morgan in confronting you directly. I admire your courage to be the only Labour MP foolish enough to defend the indefensible, but your self-righteousness and squirming was embarassing to watch.
As you repeatedly mentioned, it is your job to "reach out" to the electorate and build bridges between politicians and the public. How ironic, considering you embody everything that is wrong with this delusional government. Throughout the debate members of the audience (who are, Hazel, "the public") expressed their views to you. The gentlemen who flew into the country especially to vote against Blair, the Labour activist who refuses to canvass whilst Blair remains... and yet as they tell you their view you have the nerve to shake you head! You then speak over them to claim how you think it's more imoprtant to listen to "what the public want"! Question Time is a rare occasion for you to hear what the public feel, and rather than take notes and answer their points you criticised them.
The hypocrasy was staggering, as at every attempt you dodged questions and evaded an answer. Piers Morgan asked you if it's *possible* that the Iraq war *may* have increased the chances of a terrorist strike on home soil. Your response was to claim that 9-11 happened before the Iraq war - which is quite irrelevent. You then spent a long time arguing that radical Islam isn't black and white and needs to be better understood. Did you honestly think anyone disagreed with you? The public hate politicians, like yourself, who answer a direct question by explaining why that question is a valid one - and claiming that you are the one raising the issue!
Michael Hesseltine then challenged you, as a former member of the Home Office, to explain why the security services felt that there'd been insufficient resources to prevent the July 7 bombings. Your response was innacurate (you didn't give them all the resources they asked for) and therefore disrespectful to those who died. It is sheer delusion to claim that July 7 was unrelated to the Iraq war.
The disjoint between the public and politicians is because you don't accept responsibility for mistakes. We expect that. But you go one step further by claiming that you are trying to close this gap, all the while shaking your head as people give you their opinions. If you want to now why the public are apathetic, look in the mirror.
I don't expect that you're reading this, but if you are I can just picture you shaking your head.... that's right Hazel, it's our fault for not understanding the "issues"... shame on you
Anthony Evans
And she's now Chairman of the party! Blears has always been a disaster and her appearances on Newsnight etc are like a masterclass in New Labour bullshit. Tony must absolutely love her! My personal favourite was this:
Interviewer: What's your reaction to the figures today that show a significant increase in rapes in Britain?
Blears: We welcome these figures - they represent an advance in Home Office procedures as more women feel they can report being raped.
Paraphrased, of course.
Please Gordon, get yourself into No 10 and give these Blairites the heave-ho!
Posted by: Andrew Mellor | May 12, 2006 at 11:55 AM
"We welcome these figures - they represent an advance in Home Office procedures as more women feel they can report being raped."
Since less than 1 in 5 rapes are actually reported to the police, that is a perfectly reasonable response to deliberately misleading question.
But otherwise, yes, she's hopeless.
Posted by: Jim | May 12, 2006 at 08:25 PM
"perfectly reasonable"??? Are you serious?
Posted by: Pam | May 12, 2006 at 10:45 PM
How is it possible to know that 4 out of 5 rapes go unreported? Unless you're the one commiting them.
Posted by: tc | July 17, 2006 at 12:56 PM
Ms. Hazel,
Please mind your own business in your own country. Let us in the United States decide our own election choices. Buy you a bigger vibrator and please yourself. We don't need any advice about our pick for Vice President of the United States. It appears that you are jealous of Sarah Palin because you can't compete with Gov. Palin when it comes to looks, intelligence, or just common decency. Thank You very Much!
Gary D. Jenkins,
Newport, TN., U.S.A.
Posted by: Gary D. Jenkins | September 21, 2008 at 12:37 PM
I am from the United States and read your comments about Sara Palin. I have only one comment to add to yours. This wonderful lady is ours. This is not the U.K. I am not interested in the least how you folks run your country, just as my forefathers were not so pleased with you way back in 1776. Do you remember reading something about what happened that glorious year in your history books while in school? Please keep you damn comments about my country to yourself and I promise not to find reason to critisize you and yours.
Thank you,
Foster E. Brown
Ada, OK. 74820
Posted by: Foster E. Brown | September 22, 2008 at 01:00 AM