Ha - that got all you economists reading! I'm afraid this has nothing to do with world markets, it's just that After reading Anthony's post below, I felt a surge of creativity and willingness to contribute something of quality and significance to The Filter. (Actually, that's a porky too - I wrote the piece in question a few days ago and have only just got around to posting it...)
Over on The Filter Review site, we aim to offer broadsheet-standard reviews of live performances and exhibitions/shows, and you can bet your bottom dollar we've got interesting perspectives and considered opinions on varied examples from around Europe.
This time last week The Filter was in Basel for the annual festival celebrating the music of Czech composer Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959) - a music that over the past few months has started to intrigue me and hold me in a sort of enraptured wonderment. Click here for a review of the festival's opening concert.
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