For the last year or so I've used for my personal website. For a number of reasons (mostly pragmatic) I recently decided to switch hosts and interface. Therefore I'm now using a account on a media temple server. I've also opened a mobile me account to store online files and give me access to a convenient cloud. has therefore had a face lift, although I haven't altered any of the substance. Everything that's on there has been on the internet for several years. I've always used it as a place to store publications and lectures (i.e. a vitae with links) as well as some resources for teachers and students of economics. I believe the new layout makes it more likely people will visit, and utilise these resources, which is great. However the site is not intended to replace The Filter^ (yet) and there's little point subscribing to the RSS feed. The only reason I have that beautiful orange button is because it's beautiful and orange. It's a completely static repository of information. But if you weren't previously aware that I've compiled this material do take a look, and let me know what you think.
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