Many sympathisers with free-market economics will have read Hayek and Friedman. Fewer, however, will have read the original works of Mises. Mises was not only important because he laid foundations on which Hayek built; he made crucial contributions to economics which have not been bettered. These contributions are highly relevant to today’s debates. What could be more important in the wake of the financial crash than the development of a theory of cycles that showed how mismanaged monetary policy by nationalised central banks could cause booms, busts and crashes? For those contemplating radical public service reforms, the insight that you need price and cost signals revealed by real actors spending real money is essential.
I will be presenting a brief overview of the Austrian theory of the business cycle, and applying it the current financial crisis, at the IEA a week on Thursday. The full programme looks excellent, so if you're near Westminster give it a thought.
Don't know what is wrong what is rite but i know that every one has there own point of view and same goes to this one..
Posted by: company logo design | July 26, 2010 at 01:57 PM